Most of us look forward to summer, with longer days and more time to hang out with our pets. But summer is prime time for pets to get heatstroke, become dehydrated, and pestered by mosquitos, fleas and ticks.
Be ready for when temperatures go through the roof – make sure your pet’s parasite medications are up to date and be on the look out for them showing signs of discomfort. Here’s some hot tips on how to look after your pets in the heat.
Never leave your dog in the car
Temperatures in cars can increase very quickly and your dog will die in minutes if left inside one. Either leave your dog at home in a cool spot, or take them with you.
Keep your pets cool
Heatstroke can hit quickly and is serious. Ensure your pet’s outdoor space has shade all day, set up a paddling pool, and if you have guinea pigs, bring their enclosures inside until temperatures cool down.
By walking your dog early in the morning or late in the evening you’ll prevent their paws from getting burnt. Walk them on grass and make sure take water and a bowl with you.
If your pets seem too hot, wet your pet’s legs or gently wet their paw pads to help them cool down. Ice packs and cooling mats go a long way to relieve oppressive heat too.
Ensure your pet’s have enough water
Dehydration is a common problem during summer, so provide your pet’s with plenty of water. Use lots of bowls or a fountain system that runs water throughout the day. Freeze water with their treats in it to keep them cool and amused for a few hours.
Protect your dogs from sunburn
Dogs can get sunburn, especially if they have short hair or are pale skinned.
Beaches and Rivers are a great place to take your dog to cool down. Be aware of currents and also the time they spend in there, as a hot dog is easily exhausted.
Screen open windows
Cats are inquisitive creatures and will be the first to notice an open window. Screen your windows otherwise your cat might jump out after a bird! This is known as high-rise syndrome and is more common than you might think.
Keep an eye on the barbeque!
Be mindful that your dog will love the smells and might try to sneak a sausage. This could result in a burnt nose or worse, so make sure to keep them away from this danger.